What is SSL? How does it work? SSL & SEO Relationship

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Ibrahim bülbül

New member
Jan 7, 2024
SSL, or Secure Socket Layer, is a security protocol that ensures personal privacy and security by securely encrypting the transfer of information over the internet. Developed by the company Netscape, SSL encrypts the information traffic between the server and those visiting the internet site, making it secure. SSL requires a private key on the server side and a certificate (public key) on the user side to operate. The logic of encryption works through the matching of private and public keys, ensuring the security of internet sites.

Although SSL was initially introduced 25 years ago, it had several security vulnerabilities. Over time, SSL has been further developed and updated to a version called TLS (Transport Layer Security). However, the name SSL continues to be used.

How Does SSL Work?SSL operates as a language of encryption, securing communication between users and servers by encrypting it in a complex manner.

The working principle of SSL is as follows:

  1. A browser or user seeks entry to a website protected by SSL.
  2. The user's information attempting to enter the website is sent to the server.
  3. The server sends a copy of the SSL certificate to the website.
  4. The website verifies the SSL certificate received from the server and sends it back for confirmation.
  5. Once the server confirms the information, it sends a digitally signed approval to initiate an SSL encrypted session.
  6. The website then allows the user's data entry by encrypting it. All subsequent data exchange occurs in encrypted form.
SSL and SEOIn today's advancing technology, cybersecurity has become a serious concern. SSL, which is one of the factors ensuring our security on the internet, is also crucial for SEO. SSL is an important aspect of Google's SEO criteria, making websites secure and favored by Google. Websites without SSL are not included in Google listings.

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