JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor

JetEngine - Adding & Editing Dynamic Content with Elementor v3.3.6

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## 3.1.2
* ADD: Bricks builder: native Bricks conditional visibility inside JetEngine listing items;
* ADD: Dynamic field: get user data callback;
* UPD: CCT date field: automatically convert saved values when change 'Save as timestamp' field option;
* FIX: CCT number field: can't change the step;
* FIX: Bricks builder: global styles and JetEngine elements;
* FIX: Dynamic Link: context option;
* FIX: Deprecated: elementor\Core\DynamicTags\Manager::register_tag;
* FIX: Bricks builder: custom CSS class and style;
* FIX: Profile builder: profile page links options for Dynamic Image;
* FIX: PHP 8.2 compatibility;
* FIX: Scroll Slider with Additional Custom Breakpoints;
* FIX: Dynamic Image: Image Size doesn't work for URL value format;
* FIX: Gallery Grid Callback: a warning with URL and Array image value;
* FIX: Profile builder: profile page link + Bricks;
* FIX: Calendar filtering issue;
* FIX: Autocomplete Google map request if not setup Separate Geocoding API key;
* FIX: JS error: Loading the Google Maps JavaScript API without a callback is not supported;
* FIX: Query Builder: repeater query with checkbox field;
* FIX: Query Builder: results Counts skips CCT items status.
* ADD: Unified Date format callback;
* ADD: Support for custom units;
* ADD: Native Bricks loop builder and Query builder compatibility;
* ADD: Elementor Dynamic Tag for relation meta data;
* ADD: Query Results macros;
* FIX: Calendar bug with multiday events;
* FIX: Saving Quick Edit fields in some cases;
* FIX: Update Repeater field in Post through REST API;
* FIX: Bricks Listing grid Columns span option for injections;
* FIX: Padding option for nested Listings;
* FIX: Saving dates in options pages;
* FIX: Saving metabox for WC products when has required fields;
* FIX: Additional security checks in some edge cases.
* ADD: Bricks Builder сompatibility;
* ADD: Custom control for connecting query to any widget containing a repeater;
* ADD: Repeater Query Type;
* ADD: New conditions for Dynamic Visibility;
* ADD: Ability to choose the options storage type;
* ADD: Quick search in Troubleshooting and Knowledge Base from the admin panel;
* ADD: Macros Generator;
* UPD: New JS init for non-Elemenotr views;
* UPD: Shortocde Generator;
* UPD: Hide Show in Rest API option for HTML filed;
* FIX: Prevent errors if WooCommerce is not installed;
* FIX: Avoid errors in the map listing in some cases;
* FIX: Prevent errors in some cases if Elementor not installed.
* FIX: profile page url in the Dynamic Link;
* FIX: providers issue in the Map Listing module.
* ADD: Output SQL request in preview for SQL query;
* ADD: Allow to style Not found Message in Listing Grid;
* ADD: Infinite scroll offset option for Listing Grid;
* UPD: Allow to control zoom on scrool behavior for Leaflet and Map Box providers;
* FIX: Better check conditional rules for Profile Builder pages;
* FIX: Correctly save root object on JetEngine AJAX requests;
* FIX: Query builder, Terms query. Hide empty terms option behavior;
* FIX: Filter field output Callbacks for blocks editor;
* FIX: PHP warning in some cases.
* ADD: Save as timestamp setting for date fields inside repeaters;
* ADD: Quantity input for Add to cart source in Dynamic link widget;
* ADD: Context for Dynamic repeater block;
* ADD: An ability to copy filed name to clipboard;
* ADD: Allow order terms in the Dynamic Terms;
* FIX: Dynamic function thousands separator bug;
* FIX: Z-Index in Listing Grid Slider;
* FIX: Map listing popup in tabs with ajax loading;
* FIX: Post URL dynamic tag with nested listings;
* FIX: Reset order by meta clause with filters;
* FIX: Map Listing and Glossary get label callback;
* FIX: Options page saving in some cases;
* FIX: Calendar with macros queried user;
* FIX: Dynamic visibility on blocks editor if WooCommerce activated.
* ADD: Query Builder + Dynamic Calendar compatibility;
* ADD: allow to cast SQL query results into specific object;
* ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#5682;
* ADD: Custom image Alt setting for Dynamic Image Crocoblock/suggestions#5551;
* ADD: `Lazy Load` setting for Dynamic Image Crocoblock/suggestions#5522;
* ADD: `Data type` setting for `Equal` condition;
* ADD: dynamic css for inner templates in listing items;
* ADD: sync the relations with translated post (WPML);
* UPD: WC Products properties handling in dynamic image and link widgets;
* FIX: Gutenberg listing breaks layout after filtering;
* FIX: Listing + load more in Gutenberg;
* FIX: Relations - Add New CCT item from related post;
* FIX: Search Filter and users query compatibility;
* FIX: Getting comment meta;
* FIX: Glossary long labels + WPML;
* FIX: Description of the taxonomy doesn't save;
* FIX: CCT listing with filters critical error in some cases;
* FIX: WC Product Query tax_query relation issue.
v3.0.3.1 - August 18, 2022
* FIX: Elementor Dynamic Visibility conditions processing for some cases

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