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Jannah - Newspaper Magazine News BuddyPress AMP

Jannah - Newspaper Magazine News BuddyPress AMP v7.1.3

v6.1.5 – 2023-02-23
- Updated: Jannah Autoloaded Posts Plugin.
- Updated: Taqyeem plugin.
- Improvement: Support for the softwarAapplication structure data available in the new version of Taqyeem.
- Fix: BuddyPress notifications bug in the header.
- Fix: missing space below the search box in the Search masonry layout.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
v6.1.3 – 2023-02-09
- Fixed: Menu widget styling issue.
- Fixed: Number of products bug in the WooCommerce block in the TieLabs page builder when the pagination option is active.
- Fixed: Related posts above the footer appears twice if the auto-loaded posts feature is active.
- Fixed: Total number of followers bug in the social counter widget.
- Fixed: Size of the self-hosted video bug in the Post layouts 6 and 7.
- Fixed: Sticky elements are not functioning when the Auto Load Posts feature is disabled on a specific article.
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
= v6.1.2 - 2023-01-27 =
- Improvements and minor bug fixes.
# Files Updated
- functions.php
- style.css
- framework/framework-load.php
- ramework/classes/class-tielabs-helper.php