Exertio - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme

Exertio - Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme v1.2.8

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Updates: v 1.2—- November 22th, 2022

1: Notification is now clickable.
2: Different project and service ratings for freelancers in the dashboard were added.

1: proposal description of the special character issue.
2: registration email issue is fixed.
3: Footer also shows on the dashboard.
4: If we add an addon from the backend and apply HTML on it, it will show broken on the front end.
5: When saving a project, on the detail page the color red doesn't work.
6: The map was still showing on add service and add project even though we turned it off from theme options.
7: When creating a new user, two verification emails are sent, one from WordPress and another one from the theme.
8: Rating not showing on the freelancer dashboard.
cover letters in different places show broken.
9: Reviews option on the freelancer dashboard is not redirected anywhere.
10: Saved projects not showing in the dashboard on the saved projects section.
Updates: v 1.1.9—- July 25th, 2022

1: Job Alerts (Added as more monetization feature for Admin)
2: Ability for user to delete a payout request.
3: Add user wallet amount on the admin side in the Freelancer/employer column
4: Hide remove bread Crumb option


1: Menu issue on the login and register page
2: styling issues on detail pages
3: Hide department, and number of employees from the sidebar if it is selected hidden in the theme option

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  • Our community has been around from 2017 and pride ourselves on offering unbiased, critical discussion among people of all different backgrounds. Providing Free Resources to help newcomers/startups. We are working every day to make sure our community is one of the best.

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