League Table is a flexible WordPress plugin that permits you to make lovely sortable and responsive tables inside your posts, pages, custom post types, or gadget region.
So many WordPress clients are utilizing this plugin because:
It's not difficult to utilize and you will want to make an ideal table without perusing the manual, look at this video to perceive how you can make a table in around 30 seconds.
With 105 choices for each table, 17 choices for each cell, 13 general choices, a calculation sheet supervisor to alter the table information, and a high-level multi-section arranging framework you can imaginatively address each sort of table. Look at this screen capture to have a thought of the very big number of accessible choices.
Customize Everything
In the “Style” menu of League Table, you have control of the general style of the table, here you will find the following options:- Table Width
- Table Width Value
- Table Minimum Width
- Enable Container
- Container Width
- Container Height
- Table Margin Top
- Table Margin Bottom
- Header Font Size
- Header Font Family
- Header Font Weight
- Header Font Style
- Header Position Alignment
- Header Background Color
- Header Font Color
- Header Link Color
- Header Border Color
- Body Font Size
- Body Font Family
- Body Font Weight
- Body Font Style
- Even Rows Background Color
- Odd Rows Background Color
- Even Rows Font Color
- Odd Rows Font Color
- Even Rows Link color
- Odd Rows Link Color
- Rows Border Color