Egens is a basic and exquisite Creative Agency HTML Template. This format has 2 landing page designs, responsive, and simple to tweak. You can involve this HTML Template for Creative Agency, Business.
Egens accompanies a variety of 14+ HTML pages, there are 2 special home variants. It is worked with Bootstrap 5, HTML5, SASS, CSS3, and W3C approved markup. This SEO-accommodating format accompanies various elements like Animations, Google Fonts, Font Awesome, Swiper Slider, and some more.
Template features
- Build with Bootstrap 5
- 2 Homepage variations
- 14+ HTML pages
- HTML5 and CSS3
- Made with sass(scss)
- Dynamic contact form
- Used Swiper slider
- Icon font FontAwesome 5
- Google Fonts
- Dynamic Mailchimp Subscribe form
- Ajax Working Contact form
- W3C Validated Code
- Clean Code
- Creative and Modern Design
- Fully Responsive
- Smooth animations
- Easy to customize
- SEO friendly code
- Speed Optimized
- Cross Browser Support
- Well Documented
- No console error
- jQuery latest version
- And Much More!