CiyaShop local iOS application is the ideal answer for your shopping business or your client shopping store as an office or consultant. It Engages customers to comprise Loyalty with sharp plans and elements which appear to be legit for the web-based shop. It is appropriate for retail locations, commercial centers, design shops, beauty care products, and domestic devices of any size. Look at our 4+ demos to plunge into a different approach to building hearty WooCommerce-based web-based shops and organizations.
The Regular License awards you consent for one Domain/Application. Different Domain/Application requests separate Licenses. Assuming you Configure the application and present the application on the Play Store/App Store, then, at that point, your standard License will be involved for that application for a lifetime. You can not involve a similar License for different spaces/Applications. You want an Additional License for your other application.
All Features
- Product Listing
- Product Listing Grid-view
- Product image view(Zooming and pinch)
- Product Sharing
- Product Detail(all specifications, Variation, Rating and more)
- Filters
- Sorting(Newest First, Rating, Popularity, Price- High to Low, Price- Low to High)
- Category Listing
- Searching
- WishList
- Cart
- Product Type (Simple, Variable, Group)
- Search History
- Address
- Orders
- Facebook Login
- Google Login
- Profile
- Recently Visited Product
- Most Popular product
- Today's Special Deal(Schedule Product)
- Feature Box(Example:- Free-shipping, 10 days Replacement, Easy Refund kind of text)(Can be set From Admin)
- About us
- Contact us (Can be set From Admin)
- Social Links(Can be set From Admin)
- Notification Enabled/Disabled
- Notification History(Like Order Placed, Order status change, and many more)
- Rate the App
- Account Setting
- Change Password
- Deactivate Account
- Rate & Review
- Clear History
- Privacy Policy(Can be set From Admin)
- Multi-Language (English, French, German, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish. Easy to add another language as well)
- WebView Checkout(Support all the payments which woo-commerce supports)